Privacy Policy
Protecting the privacy and security of your data is very important to us. This policy outlines the information we collect about you and how we use, share and manage this data. It also outlines your choices for this data. Please read carefully
What we collect and why
We collect your data in a variety of ways, including when you choose to share it with us, when you shop with us or use our digital properties, and from our affiliates and partners. Regardless of how we obtain your data, we intend to comply with applicable laws. The table below describes what we collect, how we collect it, and why we collect it.
How we share your data
We will not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money, nor will we do so.

We want to be careful and respectful of your information. Accordingly, we intend to comply with all applicable laws regarding the collection, use and transfer of your data.

We may share your data with our affiliates, service providers, and certain third parties as required by law.

Service Provider/Processor. Service Providers are partners who agree to use your data only to provide services contracted by us and who agree not to “sell” your data. We may share your data with our service providers/processors as described below.

Third parties. Third parties are non-affiliated companies that have not agreed to use your data solely to provide the services contracted by us and/or have not agreed not to “sell” your data. For example, they may need to use this data to provide services directly to you that are beyond the scope of our contract with them (such as your credit card company). We only share your data with “third parties” as permitted by applicable law.
How we protect your data
The privacy and security of your data is important to us. We use digital and physical security and process controls to protect your data. We encrypt and anonymize data wherever possible, which makes sense. Even within our company, we try to limit access to your data as much as possible.

We need your help to keep your data safe! If your account requires a password and you give your password to a friend, it’s difficult for us to keep your data secure. You also shouldn’t use the same password across multiple websites or apps. This makes your data much less secure and makes it difficult for us to protect you from others. We offer passwordless account login to help keep your account secure. To go passwordless, visit your online account and follow the steps to add your mobile number to your profile. This will discard your password and allow you to log in using a one-time code. For more information, visit our help and FAQs about account login.

The bad guys are cunning! They may pretend to be us to trick you into providing them with your data. Don’t be fooled, we will never ask for your password, whether by email, online chat, phone or in person.

Advertising on other websites We want to talk to you where it’s best for you. We may share your contact information with other companies so that we can contact you through their websites or social channels. If you choose to provide your data directly to someone else (such as Google or Facebook), their rules apply to that data, not ours. We sometimes purchase advertising on other websites. You may see these ads even if we don’t share (or own) your data. We cannot always control how they choose to place our ads. Under 13

minor . We do not want to and do not knowingly collect any data from anyone under the age of 13. If we learn that we have collected any such data, we will take all reasonable steps to delete that information and will not use it for any purpose (unless required or permitted by law to protect the safety of children or others). If you become aware of any personal information we have collected from a child under 13, please contact us at the address listed below.

Under 18 years old. Persons under the age of 18 may delete data they have provided to us through our website by requesting deletion by sending an email to Please note that while we make reasonable efforts to comply with such requests, deletion of your data does not ensure complete and comprehensive deletion of that data from all systems.

Do Not Track Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set in some web browsers that allows users to opt out of being tracked by websites and online services. Currently, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has not established a universal standard for recognizing DNT signals, so we do not recognize DNT.

Contact Us We at are working hard to protect your data. Our can help you with questions about this policy or your data. If you would like to contact us at You can also send us an email:
If you no longer want us to send you marketing messages, you can unsubscribe by contacting us at or by contacting us directly using the link in one of our messages. You may also request a copy of this policy in a different format by contacting us at